Alas, Christmas is not so joyous for many Americans. Millions are alone this Christmas. Many have lost a son or daughter in the war. When you lose a child, there are no words to express the sorrow. I know. I lost my own precious son this year. There are many around the country who have suffered great loss this year.
The unemployed, those who are losing their homes to foreclosure, families that are disintegrating, those who have lost everything because of a natural disaster, and the homeless all need our mercy and love during the holidays. There is nothing so lonely as to be without and all alone while others broadcast their happiness, their material blessings, and their great family gatherings.
If you see someone hurting, stop to encourage them; someone with an old coat, trade it for your Eddie Bower; someone who is hungry, take them to a restaurant and feed them until they are full, then buy them dessert. If you know of someone who faces their first Christmas after suffering a great loss, share your love with them in several small ways. Consider going to a senior citizens home to visit on Christmas eve or Christmas day, and take a few small gifts to give to the ones who seem most alone.
We all have so much to be thankful for this Christmas. While I have lost my son, I also count my blessings, because I have two incredible boys and the most beautiful daughter in the whole world. If you have been abundantly blessed, too, do not keep your joy to yourself. Share it by giving to those who are less fortunate than you. You’ll be glad you did, and this could just be the best Christmas you’ve ever had.
Last Updated on April 3, 2010 by Chuck Marunde
I am sorry for your loss. I just wanted you to know I read your blog regularly and that your thoughts were not going out there unnoticed…if your son was a warrior, I thank you for our freedom. If illness took him, I hope your memories of him are filled with peace.