When you buy a home in the Sequim area, do not forget your Sequim Internet connection. A good high speed Internet service is almost as essential as electricity today. Who doesn’t use the Internet? Now that videos are so popular and streaming movies is also big, high speed and plenty of bandwidth is mandatory. Not all areas and not all homes have a high speed Sequim Internet service. There are so many things to think about when you look at Sequim homes, it would be easy to forget about doing your due diligence on Internet services. (Century Link sponsored the Seattle Seahawks stadium, so I could not resist including a subtle reminder of our recent Super Bowl victory in the context of writing about high speed Internet.)

Sequim Internet & Other Checklists
Checklists can be helpful, if they are good checklists. They can help you avoid a mistake, and in the case of buying a home, they can help you avoid a major mistake. I’ve put together checklists for buyers on every important aspect of buying a home or land. For example, here’s a checklist for buying a home in Sequim: Buyer’s Checklist.
And here’s a checklist for buying vacant land, which I first put together back in 1994: Land Checklist.
And here’s what you need to know about home inspections: Sequim Home Inspections.
You may have a septic inspection if your home has a private septic system: Septic Inspections.
Here is a full explanation of what is involved with a well inspection if you will not be on a public water system: Well Inspections.
And here is a chronological checklist of the entire home buying process in the Sequim and Port Angeles area: Home Buying Process.
Most buyers don’t know exactly how to find and interview their real estate agent, so here is a good Real Estate Agent Interview Checklist.
You might want to bookmark this article with all these checklists for future reference.
Sequim Internet Checklist
A fast Sequim Internet connection is critical for anyone running a business out of their home, and many retirees do consulting work, writing, or other work that requires use of the Internet on a daily basis. Even if you only use it for email and watch Netflix movies or Youtube videos of your kids, you need something faster than dial-up. The Sequim and Port Angeles area has a number of high speed Internet services, but they seem to have their own geographic coverage areas, and while many Internet services overlap on a map with other companies providing Sequim Internet service, some areas only are served by one company, and some by none. So this is now something to add to your due diligence checklist.
You can call Sequim Internet companies and give them the property address, and they will tell you if that is within their coverage area. The companies operating here include Wave High Speed Internet, Comcast, Olympic Wi-Fi, Nikola Broadband, Frontier, HughesNet, and CenturyLink. Beware that there are companies advertising on T.V. and on the Internet in a way that would lead you to believe that they are Sequim Internet companies, but many are not. The Internet is both wonderful and dangerous when it comes to looking for services and products, right? Dish advertises on T.V. that they provide high speed Internet for Dish customers, but when you call you find out they do not have Internet services for Sequim Dish customers.
I personally use Century Link, because I find their speed at my location extremely fast and their rates are the lowest for this kind of Sequim Internet connection.
Last Updated on September 21, 2019 by Chuck Marunde